Class details

Current classes

You'll find the basic details of where we hold our current classes here. For more detail, contact the relevant instructor or email us through the contact details on the site.

Instructor contact information can be found on the instructors page.

Karl 29.08.2022 08:14

Hello. I have two children ages 14 &15, neither with any MA experience. Where in Rugby, or nearby would be a good class to join? Thank you.

AB 29.08.2022 08:59

Hello Karl,

I would recommend Mondays at Ashlawn school at 6pm, or alternatively Thursday at 7pm at Bawnmore School. These classes would be suitable for them.

Mr Alastair Banks 05.03.2020 16:41

Hi Elle,
I would suggest the Mondays at Ashlawn 6:30pm start or Wednesday evenings at 7pm at Boughton Leigh Junior school. Both are great for beginners. Thanks

Elle 05.03.2020 10:27

Hi, I’m looking for an adults beginners class in rugby, can you advise which would be suitable??

Mr Alastair Banks 05.03.2020 10:35

Hi Elle,
I would suggest the Mondays at Ashlawn 6:30pm start or Wednesday evenings at 7pm at Boughton Leigh Junior school. Both are great for beginners. Thanks

Latest comments

29.08 | 08:59

Hello Karl, I would recommend Mondays at Ashlawn school...

29.08 | 08:14

Hello. I have two children ages 14 &15, neither with any MA experie...

01.02 | 21:45

Hi Charlie, We have 2 classes in Rugby. Monday's at 6pm Ashlawn school...

01.02 | 21:21

Hi looking for a class for 10yr old in rugby please