Before any grading, you will be required to pass a fitness assessment and a written knowledge test. The following videos are a simple reminder of the exercises you'll be asked to perform.
Continuous roundhouse kicks/Shuttle runs/Speed kicks/Push ups/Plank
Remember, we're looking at a cumulative score, based on your age and grade - see the table below to see what your target is...and aim above it!
Take a look in the Student Resources section for the Knowledge Test requirements and worksheets for children.
Oooh, look - I've added the target sheet.....!
Continuous roundhouse, max 2 minutes - technique explained
This video shows correct technique - but the test is done fast and light. Plenty of points to be had here. Remember, once the first leg has failed, you can't go back to it - so push as many as you can. You'll be given a one minute marker, so you can change legs if you haven't already!
Continuous roundhouse, fast and light - max 2 minutes
So now we're sure what he means! Fast and light...
9m shuttle runs - 1 minute
Simple. Run hell for leather for one minute...
Speed kicks - 30 seconds
Plenty of points to be had here. Keep pad at their knee level - really!
Push ups - to 1 minute or fail
Military style - elbows in. Any actions with elbows out, won't be counted. Assisted version - with knees down - 3 reps are worth one full rep, so if you push out 30, that will only count as 10.
Plank - to fail or 2 minutes maximum
Maximum 120 points to be had here! Ensure correct form is maintained.
Latest comments
29.08 | 08:59
Hello Karl, I would recommend Mondays at Ashlawn school...
29.08 | 08:14
Hello. I have two children ages 14 &15, neither with any MA experie...
01.02 | 21:45
Hi Charlie, We have 2 classes in Rugby. Monday's at 6pm Ashlawn school...
01.02 | 21:21
Hi looking for a class for 10yr old in rugby please